Welcome, Traveler.

You find yourself in a strange land with no recollection of who you are or how you arrived. You check the bag at your side and find a book with blank pages and a writing utensil.

The rest, as they say, has yet to be written…

Chapter 1

You awake in a forest, dense with life and greenery. A river flows to your left. In front of you is a cave lit dimly with small orbs of light. “A mine?” You say to yourself. While you can’t see how far they go, you can only imagine they lead to some sort of man-made structure. With no idea where you are or what you’re here to do, you weigh your options. “If I travel into the mine, I may be able to get some answers…but it may be more likely that I find civilization outside of these woods.”

After a bout of pacing between rocks that rest atop the river, you decide to go into the mines. “I could get lost if I try to leave the forest.” You rationalize.

And thus, you begin your trek into the Mines of Rivenshal.

About the Mines

The Mines of Rivenshal are located in the Rivenshal Forest, just east of the village of Theia.

It is very well known that something within lures people to their end if one lingers for too long.

This entrance is just one of many around the world, but has gained notoriety for being the last known location of the Elder Blade Astoria, who died centuries ago. Of course, it wasn’t always a mine. Prior to its occupation, this cave system supposedly acted as an underground highway, but there are none alive today to say whether or not that is true.

The forest outside of the entrance has slowly began to decay without explanation, adding to the dark superstitions the mines already had. Perhaps one day someone will put an end to all of the folk stories surrounding this place, but until that day comes, the Rivenshal Mines are most certainly cursed.

Chapter 2

Following the luminescent orbs and a few creative decisions, you eventually come to a magnificent underground city. The structures don’t appear to be like anything you recall seeing before. Almost looking organics, the buildings connect as if they were one massive living thing that were carved to house the residence of the city. You walk closer, not realizing you were being watched by two scaly, oily fish-like creatures.

One steps out in front of you before reaching the gates and stops your progression. Startled, you stammer backward. It begins speaking in a language you do not understand. Unsure if it will work, you try to communicate with it anyway. “I’m just a traveler”, you say. “I’d be more than happy to leave you to your business, but to much embarrassment, I don’t know if I know the way back.” The two creatures stare at you and cock their heads. You repeat yourself, this time gesturing with your hands with more nuance.

The creatures look at each other and nod. Still unsure if they understand you, the one that tried talking to you before gestures to follow it.

About the Depths

If one follows the path of lights from the entrance of the mines, they will surely end up in the depths.

This massive cave system supposedly spans all of Valduun, but between the lack of oxygen, light, and the monstrosities that inhabit it, no one has ever lived to find out for sure.

There are many entrances to the depths, and each one has a vast underground city inhabited by Creshens. Adorned with fins, sharp teeth, and cricket-like bodies, these creatures have made themselves quite comfortable as no one travels far enough to disturb them, they have a life secluded from the politics and chaos the world above ground yields. Their homes are made of a fungus that hardens after reaching its mature, towering state.

Creshens have adapted this fungus to grow on others to create cities that are quite literally living and breathing. Their lights are made from crystallized glow mold.

Chapter 3

Hesitant, but left with no other choice, you decide it best to follow the creature. Unsure where it was you were going; you begin taking mental notes of potential landmarks in case you need to make your way back. While doing this you began to examine your guide. Its body reminded you of a cricket, with bent legs probably allowed for bursts of quick, sudden movement if needed. Its face had two sets of eyes and small rows of jagged teeth.

You could see a bright light emanating in the distance. Perhaps it was leading you outside after all? As you approach the light, the cave suddenly begins to heat up—much warmer than it was outside. A lump forms in your throat. Arriving in a large chamber with flame and magic bursting from a pedestal, the guide stops and points at a large blade. You can’t understand it, but you can tell it wants you to remove the sword from the brimstone.

The malice pouring from the sword looks to have tainted the depths mutating those who have resided here over the centuries.

“They must think I’m here to retrieve the blade,” you say to yourself.

About the Daemo Malachir

Beyond the Creshen City in the Rivenshal Mines lies a corrputed blade, once used by Astoria of Galuth to seal an Archanimus who nearly succeeded in ending the mortal world.

The Daemo Malachir was always a dark weapon, having been made from ancient Valduunian Titans, creatures who dominated the planet before the intervention of the Archanimus Council. This intervention did not happen before the huma arrived, having a brief crossover period where both man and titan walked the same grounds. There were several kings whose military brought titans to their knees, which gave rise to relic weapons and armor.

Unbeknownst to the kings who commissioned these weapons, only humas of unusual strength could carry this gear, leading to the Monarchial collapse of y376 where an immense political vacuum occurred from the death of greedy kings who sought power, but had none within themselves.

Chapter 4

You decide to help the creatures living in the Depths. With deep apprehension, you place your hand on the hilt of the Daemo Malachir. Instantly, pain surges through your body as though a million searing needles struck you all at once.

With a single blink, you appear in an otherworldly location. A woman wearing strange armor approaches you. "Someone is full of themselves", she says looking down on you. "Welcome to the Afterdeath." An icy chill runs down your spine and your gut sinks inside itself. She must be joking. Before you can say anything, she looks back at the burning tree behind her and sighs heavily. "I am Astoria. Owner of the sword that sent you to your soul here."

She turns back to see your face wrought in a cacophony of emotions. "…I have tied my fate to the evil that binds the sword in place, but you...you may have a chance to return." You stand, ready to jump on the opportunity to return your soul to your body. She notices your eagerness and cracks a grin. Astoria explains the only way back is to ride the animus current that carried your soul back to your body before the current dithers. With a grim smile, she wishes you luck. You can't help but feel like there is something else you could do.

You pause before leaving, “…perhaps there’s still a way she could come with me?”

About the Afterdeath

At the beginning of time, souls whose flesh had expired in the mortal realm had no place to reside, placing them in a state of constant wondering. During this period, only few sentient beings existed. One of which was the Archanimus Vithrya, who sought to maintain peace and order among those who have passed on.

With nowhere to congregate, souls would often venture into the forbidden territories; lands filled with unfathomable evils that fed on the essence of the deceased. To prevent catastrophe, Vithrya tore a single rib from its body and placed it into the void. From it, water flowed endlessly, sprouts emerged from the rib forming a tree with branches that burned with the purity of tranquility and everlasting comfort.

Those who awake to see the cold flames know where they are.

This is the end of the road.

This is eternity.


Chapter 5

You don’t know much about how the Afterdeath works, but that didn’t stop you from putting your hand out to Astoria. “Come on, there has to be a way for you to get back.” You say to her. She shakes her head and pushes your hand out from in front of her. “My body has long since decayed. Believe you me, if I knew what I know now when I first arrived, Valduun would sing more than just my swan song.”

Astoria points to a massive rocky structure behind you, ethereal energy pouring from it like a geyser. “You better leave before it closes,” she says. You bid farewell to the Elder Blade and rush to the twin peaks. Unsure of how this works, you find a chasm filled with blinding light and jump inside. Just as before, a searing pain surges through your body, though this time the pain subsides, allowing you to feel the flow of the Animus Current. Soon your senses detect a comforting warmth…and potent stench?

You awaken with a foggy head but realize you’re in the Rivenshal Forest again. This time, surrounded by corpses. You quickly get out of the pit and clean yourself off as best you can. With the sun going down, you can see lights from beyond the trees. Civilization?

“I could really use a bed right now” you mutter under your breath.

About Animus Currents

The Afterdeath may be the final resting place for the dead, but without an animus current, they wonder the spirit realm without guidance. Animus currents are found all over Valduun, created from the flesh of Vithrya, one of the Archanimus’.

Animus Currents are only visible to those who have passed on and those acutely in tune with the world beyond. In the mortal realm, an Animus Current may be used to communicate with the dead or summon forth the undead through necromancy, though necromancy through a current can only bind spirits to flesh without a soul. On the other side, the strong willed can rejoin their souls with their bodies before the current that took their spirit closes.

This phenomenon is somewhat rare, but accounts for what some would call a “near death experience”.